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About Us

We publishing information on how to gain maximum reward points on credit cards and how to use them most efficiently. We are currently a points , miles and banking discussion forum. We have large pool of community members keeping this site active.We would love your input and happy to pulish blog posts by our community.

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Our mission is to provide clarity about credit card reward structure that banks like to skip upon,  so our users can make informed decisions. Come join the discussions with our nerds

Card Rewards

Looking for rewarding cards that earn direct cash back or reward.Our side by side comprison helps you make informed decisions

Banking Rewards

Everyone keeps their cash in bank.Why not earn the most.Our side be side comparion of interest rate helps you earn the most bang for your bucks

Travel Rewards

We all love to travel. Did you know using credit card reward points you can reduce that cost upto 30%.Your next travel destination will be partially sponsored by your bank

Personal Loan

When taking a personal loan it's smart to shop around. Our community calculates the actual amount you need to pay back , so no more sneaky bank fees you are unawere of.


So what are you waiting for , join our discussion.Every banking product is interconnected. Our community helps you make the most informed decisions and regular blog posts keep you updated with what is going on in the banking world

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